Videography 101

Videography 101

Getting Started in film? The Power of Videography in Modern Marketing Strategies In an era where the digital landscape is constantly evolving, businesses need to adapt swiftly to stay relevant. One such adaptation is the integration of videography into marketing strategies. Gone are the days when simple text and images sufficed to capture the attention…

Teamwork (productivity)

Teamwork (productivity)

Teamwork increases productivity and solves problems more efficiently.  With teamwork new ideas can flourish and goals are reached faster. Without teamwork, individual performance is limited by individual knowledge and skill sets.  Furthermore, teamwork encourages employee motivation and creates a healthy work environment. In fact, research has shown that people spend more time with their coworkers…

ATX-WD Internship

ATX-WD Internship

To join ATX-WD’s team of developers listen closely to the following: Been a WordPress Developer for 1+ yrs. Be able to work a min of 20 hrs./week Be able to keep a positive attitude Be able to communicate openly Be ready to perform and excel at short notice If you think you can adhere to…

ATX Brand Academy

ATX Brand Academy

Learning About Branding for Scalable Marketing If you are interested in creating a unique identity for your company, you should consider learning about branding. Branding is the process of communicating and defining your business through its visual identity and company culture.  As a result, it requires a thorough understanding of your target market, its products,…